Childlike Faith
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Childlike Faith


Messianic Judaism


Thinking Theism

We have sombody named "God" living in the attic...

My mother would speak of God and point up.

What else was I to think?

Childlike Faith

Must we have perfect theology or perfect faith?

  So, where is God?

I guess by age 5 I realized that God was something bigger than whoever I thought lived in the attic.

Sunday School

I can recall liking this.

My first Prayer

My first prayer was to that force of good which created everything. I knew there was much that I did not understand about grownup religion, but I also knew that God was listening.

Mother Earth, Father sky

One of the classes I took in elementary school was mythology. I found out that concepts of God varied. The tales seemed tall even then. Later we learned about monotheism.

Let Me Explain. . .

I noticed early on that there is essentially one bible yet hundreds of religious sects that claim to know truth. Why does this book seem to cause so much confusion? If the most resourceful and intelligent among us can't figue it all out, what hope is there for me?